Our first Kill (hehe we sound like hunters!) is the Graco SnugGlider Swing which retails for $69.99 at assorted retailers.

I love swings for babies as much as the next person don't get me wrong. THIS swing I have an issue with. Infant car seats are already over used and abused by too many people. Yes there were times with my two when we went somewhere and got home and they were asleep so I brought the seat in the house and let them finish their snooze in it, I think that's part of the allure of infant car seats. It's not an all the time thing but sometimes it happens and it's nice to have the option of taking the kiddo out of the car without waking them.
The issue with the swing is... if your kid is awake and wants the swing what is so hard about taking them out of the car seat and putting them in the swing? I've never found it to be all that hard... maybe I'm magical...who knows. OR if your kid is already asleep and you yanking the seat out of the car and carrying it into the house didn't wake them up, they don't need the swing. Just set the seat on the floor and let the kid sleep.
I swear Graco must be in kahoots with those flat head helmet people with this thing. Don't pick up your baby! Tummy time? Forget that noise just strap your kid in their car seat and stick them in this swing. If they get a flat head from living in their car seat it's okay! They make helmets to fix that nowadays... I do wonder how long it will be until Graco starts making those helmets to get a piece of that pie. Those helmets cost about $2000 and are very rarely covered by insurance... so think about that before you decide that a kid can be in their car seat 98% of the time.
Another issue with the swing, is that you can get a regular swing for the same price or cheaper. Really cheap if you buy it used, free if you have a super awesome friend. ;-) I got the swing for my youngest daughter from another mommy FFS (free for shipping) I paid $10 for it, it was in perfect condition (her son wasn't a fan of the swing) it didn't have a ton of bells and whistles but at the age a swing is used for your kid isn't going to care if some creepy little penguin is staring them down while they're trying to relax.
In closing this kill... get a normal swing, because car seats are for use in the CAR, not because the companies were being cute when they came up with the name.
Live Smart and prosper. ;-)

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